This is a paperback square bound book collection. 66 pages of art, mostly stuff that appeared in various anthologies, spanning from my earliest published comic story (1987) to as recent as 1996. Its like a b–sides and rarities album, with some previously unpublished work. The cover landed me a “Certificate of Design Excellence” from PRINT, America’s Graphic Design Magazine. intro by the infamous Dennis P. Eichhorn
Cover to The ROCKET. I did this one when KISS and the SEX PISTOLS were gonna be playing in town, and a little bird tells me that Johnny Rotten was pretty pissed off, to the amusement of his band mates, not pictured. The cover was featured in Print Magazine’s Regional Design Annual.
Click here for more magazine and book cover art
HENRY ROLLINS. I’ve had the honor of using some of his writing in my comics. I usually draw him all goofy and cartoony (or as a bunny) in Big Mouth, so for this poster, he looks more like the tough guy he is. He came to Seattle for a spoken word gig.
Click here for more posters
This “chart” shows the ways women sometimes want to change their men. Sort of a before–after comparison. (Seen in Details)
Click here for more color illustrations
THIRSTIN’ HOWL – “Fish”. This is a full length cd featuring my Seattle musician buddy Pete Langhans and his band. Very well produced and very 70’s, like Alan Parsons, Yes, Pink Floyd, etc. I listen to it late at night, when drawing. I think there’s a web site for this one, with more of my art...
Click here for more 45s and CD cover art
A calendar page, zeroing in on the day that the freak attraction, the “Human blockhead”, is arrested for the murder of “Lobster boy”. True story.
Click here for more black and white spot illustrations
Excerpt from part one of: “Let Me Help You Leave”, a crazy extended story still in slow progress, for the fun of it. Starts in Big Mouth 6. Part two is in Big Mouth 7, and Part three is in construction for #8.
Excerpt from my collaboration with Triangle–Slash (her signature looks like the character I drew) about her inside encounter with news about the Waco Texas incident. I think she was serious.

Most of these things are available from Pat, signed by the artist.
For a pricelist, or freelance inquiries, write to

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