September 2010

I curated an unique tribute album that just came out.
It features new tracks by BUZZY LINHART, DANIEL DAVIES (son of KINKS Dave Davies), BOSS MARTIANS,
It also has a 16 page comic inside. Get it only from me, signed and numbered.

"Pat Moriarity put this together; I only mastered it...
but while doing so I slowly came to the realization that this is the
-- Jack Endino (producer of NIRVANA's record BLEACH)


August 2010

A bunch of my posters and art were featured in episode two of Showtime's WEEDS.
Fantagraphics blog shows some frames here.


July 28th, 2009

I will participate in an art show at the Fantagraphics bookstore,
displaying original art from my TIJUANA BIBLE book covers, some of which will be for sale.
The opening is Saturday, August 8th, from 6 to 9, and hangs for one month.


savants postcard

May 1st, 2009

Moriarity Tigertail art show reviewed by 10 things zine

October 21st, 2008

Look for Pat Moriarity in the latest issue of MINESHAFT Magazine, number 23, out in November!

New blog launched called PAT MORIARITY 'N' STUFF
I'll write more on that site, and I'll post all kinds of crazy stuff, opinions, art, whatever....
You don't have to read it if you don't want to. Oh, go ahead.

October 1st, 2008

New CD by WOODSHOP, 2008


Here's the movie poster I designed for the horror film PAPER DOLLS-
EERIE HORROR FILM FESTIVAL; Best Feature, Best Director (David Blair and Adam Pitman), Best Actor (Adam Pitman)------
INDIE FEST USA; Best Costume Design---------
MONTANA INDEPENDENT FILM FESTIVAL; Best Cinematography (Michael Off), Best Actor (Adam Pitman), Audience Award----------
Nominated: DARK CARNIVAL FILM FESTIVAL; Best Feature, Best cinematography, best editing-----

Paper Dolls


September 2008




Match is Me

New CD by TRIPLE FORTE, being mastered as we speak!

July 2008

Miller Beer jumps on the Pat Moriarity bandwagon,
by slapping their logos on the latest poster for crazed Folksters, MYTHOLOGICAL HORSES.
Band members react, below.

M horse dudes

M horses

March 7, 2008

I should have posted this last week when the show started, but I've been busy...
This show of political art is in the Burnley Gallery at the Seattle Art Institute.
I've got a selection of political and editorial cartoons in it,
plus they chose to use a piece of mine for the postcard, invite, program and poster.
I originally drew this Uncle Sam cartoon in Sept 2001,
after being asked to contribute to a book about 9-11 by Dark Horse Comics.
The curators removed the word balloon and put their art show info in there instead.
The opening was an overloaded success!

March 1, 2008


The last one there, the “Golden Toonie”, is a coveted award given out by CARTOONISTS NORTHWEST,
voted on by other professional cartoonists. It's an honor I take seriously, because there are a lot of great cartoonists
(with ties to the Northwest) in which to choose from! Past winners include giants like Berkely Breathed, Shary Flenniken,
David Horsey, Lynn Johnston, Ellen Forney, Peter Bagge, and Jim Woodring.


January 18th, 2008

Where did 2007 go? What did I do?...seems like alot and nothing at the same time. Here are a few things...
I also posted some newer stuff and work in progress on the CURRENT PROJECTS page.


December 2006

I finally figured out how to use youtube and posted some videos and animations on my own channel, called:

November 2, 2006

The awesome music magazine YOURflesh is now officially an online affair. Back in the 1980's,
a young fiesty Peter Davis was the first to recognize the peculiar genius and potential of a fledgling young scribblemeister,
giving me my earliest feature illustration gigs. Peter was possibly the first person to publish my cartoons.
So here, from their online cover gallery, is my first ever mag cover.
The color was all done with rubylith film, red line tape and an exacto knife!
Your flesh, sir.

November 1, 2006

Yours truly is "Artist of the Month" on Flint Butera's Art Phobia website,
for the month of November. Flint is a well known collage artist on the New York scene,
and Art Phobia focuses on a different artist each month, with a web gallery. Here:
Go see now! Tell your rich and powerful friends,
and possibly instigate lucrative freelance work for Pat.


I have designed some AA size batteries for a website called
My “corrupt police officer” battery generated some hate mail that they posted. You can buy the batteries, and they really work well.
They're the coolest! Here's the cop design....
To Protect and To Swerve
...and here's my “Killer Transvestite” design. Vote for mine on the vote page.
Lady looks like a Dude


Comedian LEWIS BLACK of Comedy Central fame
is doing some November gigs for his RED WHITE & SCREWED stand up comedy tour in Hawaii.
I designed the posters for both the Honolulu and Kahului dates.


September 1, 2006

I designed this logo for the nose of tiny airplanes, called the FLY BABY.
To learn about the FLY BABY and see the cartoon on the plane itself, go to:
The art of FLY BABY

June 22, 2006

Rock legend Buzzy Linhart has a great new website,
and he's posted an old comic strip I did about him, from 1987!
He's posted the entire 14 page story.

“Artist Trust Board Vice President Larry Stapleton, his wife Jerrol Golden,
are graciously hosting Artist Trust Fellowship Recipient Patrick Moriarity (guest of honor)
for a intimate salon and dinner at Larry and Jerrol's home. There will be a lively presentation by Pat,
and your support will be requested to help Artist Trust continue its mission of supporting art at its source: the individual artist.”
This will be a private event. Tuesday, June 27, 2006

June 4, 2006

Yikes! I haven't updated this thing in a while!
A bunch of stuff happened, I just didn't report it here.
Actually, this is the first time I've tried to do this updating without tech help.
As of now, I'll try to be more up to date, I promise!
Let's see, what's gone down in my career in the last TWO years? Well, I DID go to NYC in Nov 2004
and was a juror for the Society of Illustrators, it was a total blast, and I met several artists and friends.
I went to the Austin Texas premiere of DERAILROADED in March 2005 at the SXSW film festival.
It was also quite an experience. The room was full, there were Qs and As afterward,
and I was recognized and applauded by the audience as the animator. I like Austin!
I saw some great music too.
Anyway, Rubin and Lubin made a great movie. It’s close to DVD time.

The latest release of Charlie burton, this time with the Dorothy Lynch Mob,
has an all Moriarity cartoon package, with a booklet and a three minute animation as part of the enhanced CD.
Go to for details on this gem!


This is cool- In the trailer to the documentary BORN INTO THIS, about Charles Bukowski,
they start talking about how Buk hated Mickey Mouse, as it shows a few panels of MY Bukowski art,
spliced right in there in the same trailer, and it’s BEFORE Bono and Sean Penn. Ha Ha! See, look it's right here-
Bukowski- Born into This

There's some other stuff to report, but I'll get back to this...

June 2004

....After having three pieces accepted and displayed in the SOCIETY OF
ILLUSTRATORS 46th exhibition in NYC in 2004, the chairman of the next
upcoming exhibition (and a commitee of past chairs) asked me,
the humble Pat Moriarity, to be a juror in the 47th exhibition. Yow! The Society of
Illustrators was founded in 1901, and has been attended by Mark Twain....

....Upcoming artshow at the Metropolis gallery in Bremerton Washington,
first Friday in August 2004.

....The documentary DERAILROADED, is near completion.
It is about the life of Larry Wildman Fischer, and has a unique animation sequence done by Pat Moriarity.
This will prove to be an interesting movie, with appearances by Mark Motherbaugh, Bill Mumy, Dr. Demento,
Dennis P. Eichhorn, Weird Al Yankovich, and Larry himself.
Directed by Josh Rubin and Jeremy Lubin. More on this as it develops....

....A short movie has been shot based on a comic story in BIG MOUTH #3.
"The Pickup", written by Mary Fleener and storyboarded by Pat Moriarity, was made into a ten minute
black and white movie directed by David Miller. It was shot in Seattle in September and the wrap party is October 4th, 2003....

....The Von Zippers THE CRIME IS NOW! cd which was released on Estrus Records
will now be a gatefold 12" lp (on a label in Germany)....

....The story "Fish Scales" from BIG MOUTH #1 is being reprinted in color for the upcoming book REAL STUFF....


Contact the artist at: